


今次又是一個farewell time.
每次跟natasha 及karen談得興起, 好像時空只有我們3個人.
很明顯, 我那晚喝了點酒... 又不經大腦的說話 (hehe教男人怎麼分"cup"數)
如果我也去歐遊的話, 下次再見karen可能是9月份 ... see ya!!
p.s. 趙生, 你去送機, 那你以甚麼身分送機? 普通朋友?

3 則留言:

Unknown 說...

hihi, 1st time leave message here.
i went to the airport as a normal friend, as promised also.

i told you, that you were drunk is correct.

hey, will you join us for EU trip?

書童 說...

he... next time if I go to study, remember to send me to the airport :)

Drunk? i just had a glass of "sex on the beach". So powerful cocktail isn't it? (my face is always pink or red...)

EU trip? Yes i hope so. If holiday is available, then I would like to travel with you guys, more fun and less costs...

Unknown 說...

next time if you go to study, i will send you to airport. dont forget to give me a french kiss... (my god)