


北角有一間著名的豆花店. 超過30年在北角馬寶道賣豆花,豆漿,豬肉包,牛肉包, 還有煎釀豆腐.小時候媽媽一個月都會帶我吃一次.長大後,我已忘了它.

今天和劉b經過馬寶道, 去吃豆腐花. 大家都覺得很正 - 一碗$7的豆腐花又滑又清甜,解渴,令人很醒神.
豬肉包是生煎的,一個$3.5. 肉很香,底部很香脆.
加上4-digit的牌照號碼, 這家是歷史店舖,集體回憶!
有些東西, 遺忘了.
今天製作了一個自己覺得好正的video. 有一個字串錯了,但我不想再花時間去盡善盡美, 過程是有瑕疵, 缺憾也是美:

4 則留言:

iammatch 說...

Vist ma? Very easy to observe bor.
You are quite professional in video making bor. Teach me when u have time, ok? :)
Congrat. for the wonderful and memorable visit.

In the past, there are 2 or 3 such doufou restaurants at Wanchai. Good "openrice" from you! Pls guide me thru. to hv a try next time. Thx.

書童 說...

Pro? You go to Animoto, you can a pro. I am just interested in investigating new things and anicent things... Anyway I am sure some free tools are better than Animoto.

We would better try Malaysian Toufu first - you've got any USD? HKD can also be converted to MYR.

匿名 說...

我幾乎忘記豆腐花啲味道!媽媽八月在柏林時,帶來辣齊雞X! 食時,我想起格林兄弟,活命水的童話!!


書童 說...
