

印度之旅 - 阿格拉

回到新德里, 再乘coach六小時到了阿格拉(agra)

在這個黃沙炒蟻的國度, 駱駝, 水牛, 灰羊, 野豬都是路人甲 剛開蓋的雪糕盒也被蒼蠅佔據

唯有Taj mahal(泰姬陵)的大理石令人涼快點

聞說沙杰汗王被幽禁在agra fort, 臨終前還是望著對岸的泰姬, 人就是那麼喜歡懹念, 不能伴自己終老的更是懹念

下次再到訪的時候, 應在附近守候, 攝下日出和日落的泰姬陵(反正其他地方也不值得花時間)

不知怎地, 夢中見到的也是印度的面孔, dal lake的影子還是長留在腦海裡 勝利宮外那些"本地人" 都是沒錢穿鞋的小孩, 長大後也只是第五等的賤民 (即無業遊民, 聞說在這個不平等的世間上受苦以抵償前世罪孽). 孩子為了幾個Rupees(約1元港幣)打架, 眼角淌血都在所不計, 想不到一雙拖鞋也是奢侈品.

在一家賣印度紡織品的店子 售貨見我們一行十多進來, 為其中一個團友穿sari(印度裙子) 我替團友拍下幾張照片, 售貨員告訴我"you have a beautiful face", 也替我穿上另一條粉紅的sari...

可惜我太瘦, 穿起來也不像 穿裙法 (我穿的是pallu, 平日穿來, 上廁應有困難)

The sari, simple, understated yet supremely elegant is increasingly becoming a fashion statement in urban India. One of the most commonly worn traditional dresses, which is essentially a rectangular cloth measuring about 6 yards. The sari comes in a profusion of colours, textures and designs, determined largely by the region. There are several ways of draping a sari, which is first wound around the waist, before being pleated seven or eight times at the centre and tucked into the waistband. These pleats are called the patli. The remaining sari, called the pallu is then pleated again and draped across the left shoulder to fall gracefully behind.
