

6人宴 @ Todai

自從三年前吃過todai後, 很久沒有開懷吃一頓自助餐. 不計甚麼大一歲的理由, 我們6 個goethe同學有來一個after 7 gathering.

高檔的老外說自助餐是lousy food, 甚麼都倒進肚子裡, 亦即沒有條理! 普通男人就是陪朋友聚餐的機會, 隨便吃點填肚. (我們的兩位男士都喜歡選餐牌上的, 對吧?!) 我就覺得是盡情偏食的時間. 這些最熱最冷的甜品都是我的最愛!!

飯後,一行四人去knutsfield terrace消化一下. 談到結婚為了甚麼, 為愛情劃一個句號, 還是一個省略號... 其實我們都不知不覺地模仿父母的路.

我想起一齣舊戲: before sunrise (想起中文了: 情留半天)
Jesse:Why does everybody think relationship should last forever, anyway?
Celine:Yeah, why? It's stupid.
J:But you think tonight's it? I mean, that tonight's our only night?
C:It's the only way, no?
J:Well, all right. Let's do it. No delusions, no projections. We'll just make tonight great.
C:Okay, let's do that.
J:We should do some kind of handshake. Give me your hand. To our one and only night together...and the hours that remain.
C:It's just...It's just depressing, no? Now the only thing we're gonna think of is...when we'll have to say goodbye tomorrow.
J:We could say goodbye now. Then we won't have to worry about it.
所謂愛情, 我們覺得厭煩了, 因為兩個人相處得太長久, 找不到休止符.
一天見到休止符的來臨, 感覺又不同了.

多選一段給你們, 留意德文對話:

8 則留言:

匿名 說...


很多時候, 朋友都對我說:"活在當下", 但談可容易!
當下? 怎能不理將來, 雖然說真, 將來根本不由我們控制,但要我拋下今天的一切而去找尋未知的將來,我一定不會!

從小至大, 對於人與人的關係都有著"一定不會長久"的心態, 除了家人的關係是一生一世外, 其他的都不會, 不可能是"永遠",所以, 對於婚姻, 我真是沒有什麼特別的期待!

Unknown 說...



Ordita Teton 說...

i cant believe this!
i LOVE this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've seen it a thousands times!

i think u would like Reality Bites if u like this one.

Ordita Teton 說...

AND i walked around the same places in Vienna a hundred times.

書童 說...

Dodo, you've been to Vienna?! Cool. Have you seen "Before sunset"? Would you go off the train with a stranger like Celine did?

Prudy, 我估係個老婆叫佢老公讀份報紙出來,佢老公讀出來,老婆又唔鍾意,老公繼續讀.老婆搶走份報紙.老公唔想留o係個車廂,老婆叫老公跟佢行.
哈哈, 答案在此:


匿名 說...

Woman: Kannst Du sie bald auswendig?

(Can you tell me what is so interesting?)

Poor Translation !!

Unknown 說...

哈哈..Vielen Dank!看番字幕先發現佢地講左咁大段野~:p

Ordita Teton 說...

thats the second part?
i have. i missed the love catharsis...
and the first one is a lot better.

i love vienna!
im actually from eastern europe so i've been there a lot of times.

have a great week!