

Atonement 愛.誘.罪

小時候的我, 比現在更為任性. 沒有想後果, 就會隨自己的心意和聯想, 去構思下一步的做法. 結果還是搞了一個又一個的麻煩. 發脾氣時, 腦子會想: 你們這些成年人今天不信我, 他朝你們就後悔了.

最後還是成年人看穿了一切, 我"落荒而逃".

Atonement 愛.誘.罪的女主角就是年少的我. 只是她的任性和主觀, 加上英國社會對working class的自大狂妄, 改變了兩個普通人的命運.

Wikipedia將電影故事寫得細緻, 連我這些一套戲一口氣看兩次的人都沒有發現的地方, 言簡意賅的描述出來. 很厲害: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atonement_%28film%29

The sexually naïve Briony, who has a crush on Robbie and has been the object of his anger earlier in the day, observes a significant moment of sexual tension between Robbie and her sister and misinterprets it as aggression by Robbie; in fact, Robbie is in love with Cecilia, and she with him, but they do not know how to tell each other of their feelings. (一下子描述了20分鐘的情節)

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Atonement is Ian McEwan's famous work - shortlisted for the Booker Prize 2001. I've got the original edition at home, bought 5 years ago in the UK.

Really want to watch the movie~

匿名 說...

男主角james mcavoy正是魔衣櫥裡的羊哥哥.他的演技不錯.