


最近和一個由朋友介紹的朋友 (我們從來沒有見過面, 或者是對方自知其貌不揚, 會嚇跑人) 在facebook通訊.
這個陌生的朋友說自己在找理想對象, 找到了就會努力地追. 如果你有單身朋友如周慧敏, 純良,專一,樣靚又聰明,不妨介紹下, 這正是他的口胃.
這些女仔, 應該在90年代中期給男人騙走了. 想來我16歲時都有這樣的朋友... 不知現在怎樣了.

年少時很喜歡看梁望峰小說. 我沒有見過他的真人, 聽說他筆下的男主角跟自己很相似, 滿臉暗瘡,樣子很醜, 很高很瘦,還要抽煙,卻喜歡校花. 正因為蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉, 他追校花的過程相當痛苦,就好像永遠只站於人家的背後偷偷哭泣般.一首作closer(誘心人)soundtrack的歌: blower's daughter就甚有其神緒

2005年, 我每天上班都聽這首歌, 聽了兩三星期後, 辭工了.


2 則留言:

Ordita Teton 說...

Dear Jennie.
i found your blog randomly.
i first saw your quote about regret...
then i read about your job.
your blog has a very nice atmosphere. a little chaotic, but thats how we really are, i'm happy that it comes through, that's what i like about it most.
and today i saw this song, which is a really important one in my life (too?). it has so much to say. not only the lyrics, but the whole atmosphere. life-like.

anyway. i just wish you wrote more in english... :(

keep it up,
have a great day,
and good luck with your job, i hope you will find what you're looking for.

Dodo another chaotic woman
from LA / Hungary

書童 說...

Hi Dodo...
I've never imagined a English-speaking person would visit my blog. (oh it was supposed for my Chinese friends) I was really nice to see your message ~.~

Would you mind to drop me your contact to my email : milky.mo@gmail.com ... perhaps we are the same type of person with same kind of feelings :)