

簡單的計劃 - 卻變了夢想

My plan/ wish is to change to another job, and follow a more experienced/ intelligent manager. That would make my future life/career easier... in terms of life, i would like to get a good friend to dine out and go movies with me in the free time. I also hope to travel Eastern Europe and Italy with my friends in 2008, and speed up my German study.... (i just get on the primary school level in Goethe)

How come all plans become wishes only..? The first thing is to leave this company asap... My good friends are not in HK... I am workaholic and not willing to take a longer break to travel... too lazy to study the grammar and phonetics carefully...

  1. 隨著歲月流逝, 轉工有困難. 我不想再被時局控制.

  2. 好朋友? 我多想肥文可以看到這段. (如果, 他有時間的話) 12月29日在電車站碰到他, 我有一種衝動想說些甚麼的... 究竟我用腦袋去想, 還是心去想.... 朋友, 就是朋友嘛.

  3. 跟幾個朋友一起旅行, 將會是繼5年前的英倫8天之後, 另一青春無悔之旅! (差點想辭掉工作去旅行, 可惜平日吃得太少大頭菜) - 你們想去哪裡就哪裡!!

  4. 我B1的程度, 和我想像的相差太遠了.

8 則留言:

匿名 說...

點解你既wishes 同我既咁似嘅!

Unknown 說...

this is really good when you read it again in the beginning of 2009, to see how much you can achieve.

or you can also include my target? much happier?

looking forward to meet you this sun. dont be late :>

匿名 說...

Sigh... lateness is my weakness!! your target? what's your target?

Chim, how can we have long vacation? When we really have long vacation, maybe we miss our working days....

Unknown 說...


Unknown 說...

yes, i know your weakness. pls improve in 2008, i dont want to wait for you on an air-polluted street.

my target is happier and happier. pls refer to my blog.

see, your blog is now full of people

書童 說...

oh thx so much... it becomes our discussion board now.

Prudy, when i was young, i thought i could leave my work for 1-2 years after giving birth to my first kid (to relax, play with kids and travel). But the dream will not come true - coz it seems I won't marry / have a kid thereafter. (oh it saves my time and money to travel...)

Unknown 說...

to me, kid is very important and i really eant to have 12, i like them very much. this is my target also, but not in 2008.

thx for leaving message in my blog also.

書童 說...
