

今年一月, 我想起那些年

今月一月的RYLA, 讓我想起十五年前的外展.

1997年7月30日, 應該是自出娘胎以來, 第一次生日都要流淚. 在外展往灣洲這片爛地, 我躺在那挺髒的床上, 皮膚曬傷了, 行李滿佈梘液; 我無法離開這裡, 也不想照顧自己(和那無法收拾的行李), 面前還有六天要過, 我想家, 卧在床上就哭了.

反思, 需要一個Breakdown的過程; 重組, 再重組.

在中學時期, 我總是令老師沮喪的其中一個. 外展更令我無所循形:

- 導師說話時, 我放縱自己遊魂. 反正她說英文, 我明白的也有限. 反正這跟學業無關, 她也管不了我. 那些玩手指發呆的正是我.

- 我不會刻意投入. 我沒有興趣的事沒有誰可以迫我.

- 除了自己的同學, 我不刻意與人談話. 因為沒有這個必要, 我也不用跟他們打關係.

- 我相信個人力量, 可以勝過團隊合作. 跟自己說話比團隊溝通容易.

- 我不明白為什麼我會參加外展, 我只是隨便跟同學參加, 打發漫長暑假.

像我這種自以為是的, 外展比會考更是個沉重打擊. 過了七天, 吃過不少精神和體能上的苦頭, 我的自以為是改了70%, 我的世界變了80%, 人與人的關係由零變成0.75.

老師說得對, 性格改不了. 我依然任性, 但不會放任自己; 我依然固執, 但學會聽別人的意見; 我依然反叛, 但明白了甚麼是"大圈子意見". 沒有說話技巧, 一切是徒然; 沒有執行計劃, 多好的想法仍是空談.

今次RYLA, 十來二十歲的年青人重複我的故事. 四天三夜的旅程太短了, 趁記憶尤新, 我寫了一個結論:

U2 team, I’m so glad to meet you guys in RYLA the one, which is also my first time to be a facilitator and join RYLA. Today we were in a rush to leave WYC. I wish to make a conclusion here:

Think deeper about OWNERSHIP. We know most of you offered supportive attitude to the team on the tasks/ challenges. What’s more could you contribute? What could be done to help each other improve from task to task and extend the new changes to the future? I proposed the yellow bird @ Angry Bird’s idea in the last debriefing session: http://angrybirds.wikia.com/wiki/Yellow_Bird “Yellow birds accelerate if tapped whilst in flight” Did you “tap” well to motivate the team no matter what position you are at?

We activated a NETWORK in RYLA the One. How could you extend the network and trust to the future and bring the new concepts to your daily life? What should be done to respect one another with different personalities and cultural backgrounds, and better utilize the network based on the strengths and weaknesses?

Besides your team cheers and verbal encouragement, what did you do to EMBRACE the team? Be true to yourself and you will realize the improvement gap. Where did you put your hands? Did you really take care of each other’s feelings?

Be open-minded, you are young enough to learn from others’ experience; you are humble enough to see the true values of everyone.

當人被英語折騰, 當人被體能所限,

我想說: 學好一點英文, 做多一點運動吧 (平日玩少一陣可以了)
