


認識我的朋友,都知我最近追看//恐懼鬥室// ,我還未看第五集.

第四集當中有一幕很有啟發, 只好節錄Wikipedia的短述
Rigg's next test, to "save as I save," occurs in a school where Rigg once attacked a man named Rex, whom he suspected of abusing his wife Morgan and daughter Jane. Hoffman had intervened to stave off disciplinary action against Rigg at that time. In one of the classrooms, Rigg discovers that same husband and wife impaled together back to back with several long metal rods. The rods are placed such that they pass through vital circulatory points of his body, but non-vital points of hers. If she has the courage to remove the rods, her abusive husband will bleed to death but she will survive. By the time Rigg finds the couple, she has pulled out all but one rod and gone into shock; she suddenly wakes up and Rigg tells her that she has to save herself. He hands her the key to the harness she and her husband are strapped into and sets off a fire alarm to alert emergency services to her position, then leaves.

//恐懼鬥室// 中能夠逃出生天的人沒有幾個.那個受害的妻子多年來為了家庭和女兒忍辱負重,飽受丈夫虐待仍堅持下去.一天//恐懼鬥室// 的jigsaw給她一個解脫,夫婦二人背對背,身上插了很長的箭,箭剛好穿過丈夫所有的要害,妻子的的傷口全都不是要害.妻子一拔箭,丈夫的傷口血如泉湧.女的為了活命,一根根的拔下去,還找第三者幫忙拔最後一根箭.
故事的情節本是Save as I save (救人,如我所救).這個片段卻給我很深的印象.女人堅持了10多年,痛苦危難時,會為不顧自己的男人犧牲自己嗎?現實往往是痛苦得不可思議.


3 則留言:

匿名 說...

there is one British horror movie i want to recommand you to watch!
and you will see how devilish the chavs and the scum are!!!


書童 說...

Ich habe das Trailer gesehen. Das ist aehnlich zu "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"... Interessant~~

匿名 說...

Jennie !!
'ähnlich' muss immer mit 'Dativ' benutzt werden!
z.B. 1. Das ist dem Film 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' ähnlich !!
2. Jennie Wong sieht der indischen Frau sehr ähnlich aus. :P !!!!
